Heading towards warm weather presents a panty challenge for women. From workouts to bike rides to everyday activities, g Boutique is always on the lookout for game-changing solutions. The newest addition to our panty repertoire are as practical
as they are sexy. Knock outs have a
patented technology in the liner. It’s an effective barrier between you and
your summer whites that absorbs unmentionables. It’s unique 100% cotton liner enables cotton fabric to wick moisture away
from the body, pulling it to the outer side of the liner, dispersing it, and not
allowing it to move back towards the body. They’re also wicked cute and comfy,
not bulky like you may be thinking.

We have them in an array of spring colors and
styles that will
keep you fresh all year long.
Stop by the store to try a pair.
Marisa D. @ g
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