Just received a shipment of Mary Green today. Our inquisitive nature (and a little down-time) took over and we did some research on silk. First developed in china around 3500 BC by empress Lei Zu silk was immediately considered a precious commodity and reserved for kings and noblemen. Silk quickly became a popular trade item and other nations began production. To this day, silk means luxury. From sheets to lingerie to cuffs and ties, when you think sexy, you think silk.
Mary Green silk at g
A few fascinating facts about the strongest fiber known to humans: Silk!
1) It takes up to 3,000 silk cocoons to produce 1 pound of silk (the equivalent of our silk robe)!
2) Silk is incredibly moisture and odor resistant, in fact it can absorb up to 30% of it's own weight without
feeling damp.
3) Silk fibers are almost triangular in shape, which allows them to refract incoming light into two directions
giving it such a shiny appearance.

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