At Sir Richard’s Condom Company, we believe the power of business can help bring health and pleasure to the global community.
How can you argue with that mission statement! We are all about safer sex. One of the easiest ways to promote safer sex is to use a condom! The problem is finding a condom that is well-made, comfortable and feels good when you use it. Well, we did it. Sir Richard’s has passed the g girl’s test and the entire line is now available at g boutique and at Not only is this Colorado-based company dedicated to safer sex for you, but they want safer sex for everyone. For every condom you buy, they donate a condom to someone in a developing country. If that’s not enough to make you go “Ooh!”, then take a gander at these other great features:
*Made from 100% natural latex
*Lubricant is free of glycerin, parabens, or spermicide
*AVA Vegan certified! Free of casein (dairy product)
*Minimal latex odor
These premium condoms also come in an assortment of styles and sizes:
*Ultra Thin
*Classic Ribbed
*Pleasure Dots
*Extra Large
*Collection Pack (Ultra Thin, Classic Ribbed, and Pleasure Dots)