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 Hands down, this may be one of the coolest toys we have ever sold. When you first see it, you may be a little confused. It is very difficult to guess what it for. This is no “one trick pony”. Most women like to doubt its magic, but let me tell you… this toy is revolutionary.
First thing first, let’s talk about its shape. It is not a whip, or a bike lock. It doesn’t even vibrate. Unlike the penis; the design of which is evolved to get sperm into your cervix, The Magic Banana is designed to fit with the female shape. In my opinion, it is odd for women to search out phallic- shaped objects to masturbate with, when our vaginal canal is shaped more like a cul-de-sac. When you use an object shaped like a loop we are able to satisfy more of our inner sensations and surface areas. It’s only physics, right?
That brings us to purpose… or shall I say practice? As stated above, the Magic Banana is shaped more like a woman’s insides then a man’s outsides. Therefore, when it is inserted and rotated around, it massages the inner walls of the vagina. You can also shimmy it back and forth or simply plunge it in and out. By massaging the vaginal walls you reveal sensitive areas you never knew you had. The penis is linear, so it avoids simulating our g-spot and many other smaller, less sensitive points of interest on our insides. Remember, our genitals are on the underside of our body and we can’t just get in there and massage away. Things are a little out of reach. By using a vaginally-shaped toy that does not vibrate you allow your spectrum of sensation to expand. Vibration tends to dull out the fine twinkles and sparks of smaller nerve clusters in our vaginal nerve network. Most of us are used to a clitoral orgasm, which is often referenced in relation to fireworks and isolated seismic activity. The Magic Banana will not only act as a “g-spot homing device” but it will also open up a new world of other sensitive spots that could possibly be entirely unique to you. These new discoveries will also help you develop better positions for sex (so he doesn’t feel left out).
As if that wasn’t enough, the Magic Banana is also a very efficient kegel exerciser. Clinching and releasing is a thing of the past, ladies. The Banana uses weight resistance to work your muscles. The further the loop goes in, the less resistance there is, the shallower the loop is inserted, the more resistance. Needless to say, we should all start slow and have less resistance at first and then work your way out. If you do this about three to four times a week for about fifteen minutes, you and your partner should be able to feel a difference within a week or two.
This is by far one of my favorite toys. It is an awesome couple’s toy because it doesn’t intimidate and let’s face it, men love gadgets. It really opens up the lines for strong communication and delving into a new experience together. On the other hand it is also a wonderful singles toy. It allows you to relax and open up by yourself. This leads to experiencing pleasures that you have never felt before. Want a little clitoral stimulation? The Banana goes great with an external vibrator too! In my opinion, it is one of the greatest toys that we sell. Educational, fun and practical.
Thanks for reading my rant. If anyone has any personal comments about the Magic Banana, we would love to hear them.
Anna (G Girl 4-Life)
 We’ve made our list, we’ve checked it twice. We found the new we-vibe and lowered the price. We trimmed the windows and hung some lace. The camis and nighties are all in their place. Now its home to our families, to sup with great glee. And then its “Pink Friday, “ as we call it at g. Stop by and visit, or buy a new bunny. We’ll give you a gift, if you say something funny. We’ve counted our blessings, and now that we’re through. It all comes down to, being thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving from all of the g girls.
 Thank you Oprah. Thank you Oprah.com. Yes, today (well, technically yesterday) our little g boutique was mentioned on Oprah. Not just mentioned but Kari was skyped in from the store and Oprah said g boutique over and over. It was awesome and the reaction has been awesome. We have heard from old friends and have made new friends. Thank you all for your nice comments. Its days like these that reaffirm our dedication to helping women celebrate themselves and their fabulous, sexy lives. Let's see. We ran out of tissue paper, batteries and bags today. I was able to restock all of the above. We have more web orders to process than ever. We're still working on them. We have new customers from all over the country and lots of emails from people who want to open stores like ours. We are reordering product and trying to get it here at lightening speed. Thank you vendors. All in all, a great day at g. We are taping up the last box for tonight and going home to get some sleep. More tomorrow. Cheryl
In case you haven't heard the exciting news, g is going to be on Oprah!! Can you believe it? Even more incredible-the person that is interviewed on the show is...me (Kari) the absentee, part owner who is never in the store anymore. I know, it makes no sense. Well actually, I have my kids to thank for this opportunity. A couple of moms from my kid's school ventured down from the suburbs to come to g. They had a great time, which I was very happy about. It turns out that one of these moms is married to a producer on Oprah. When she heard that Oprah was doing a show on women's sexuality she told him about us. To make a long story short, we got to be on the show!! I am not claiming to be anywhere near as knowledgeable as most of the g staff who are there everyday, but with their help, I think it went really well. We are so thankful and we can't wait to see it! Other guests on the show include an investigative report from Lisa Ling and an interview with Jenna Jamison. Please don't miss the show and spread the word to everyone you know.
 Your pelvis is the center of your body and The Women's Health Foundation is determined to keep our pelvis' healthy. If you haven't met Missy Lavender, you should. She is the dynamic force behind this awesome organization. Missy and her amazing staff work everyday to spread the good word about pelvic health and encourage women to take control of their own health. It all started when Missy experienced stress urinary incontinence and urge incontinence after giving birth to her first child. After much struggle, she realized that millions of women share these problems and keep their problems a secret. The Foundation publicizes, counsels, trains, and supports research about women's health issues. Sounds pretty serious but these ladies know how to have a good time. Their benefit, "Sex, Chocolate and Your Pelvic Floor" is one of the best girl's nights out of the year. The drinks and chocolate flow freely and I promise you will learn something from the presentations. From pelvic floor exercise to flirty dancing to gynecologists with a sense of humor, it is a "feel good" event for our sexual selves. g boutique fits right into the Women's Health Foundation's mission and when I talk about sex toys at these events, we rock the house. Strong pelvic floor=better sex. Guaranteed. Here we are at the most recent event in Evanston, Dr. Elizabeth Chase from New Hampshire, who was fantastic, Missy and me. So, if you are peeing when you laugh or even if you aren't, check out The Women's Health Foundation. Take a class, come to an event, make a donation. Support this Chicago gem that is all about women. Cheryl *The next event is a bingo night at Hamburger Mary's on November 2nd. http://womenshealthfoundation.org/events_programs.php
 For those of you who have shopped at g since the beginning, you might remember me. I started the store with Cheryl over 7 years ago, and I feel like it is still sort of my baby. For the last few years the crew at g probably referred to me as "the partner who is never there" OK, that is so true. I used to be a partner, but somehow I managed to give birth to 4 kids and things changed...I guess the stuff we sell really works. Now here I sit realizing it just is not realistic for me to think that I can really have a life outside of 'kid world'. OK, so it is sad but true that I am almost never around anymore, and I sold most of my half of the store. however, I still love the store, believe in the store, and want the best for the store. Women still have a right to care about their sexuality throughout all the different paths and changes life brings us. I spend most of my waking existence catering to the needs of 4 other people ages 8,7,5,and 2. That doesn't mean that I don't want to cater to me too. I still want to feel good, and I still want to have a deep sexual connection with my husband. I know that I am not the only one out there with kids and responsibities just trying to hold it all together and make it through each day. G lets women let loose, have a little fun, feel beautiful, and learn about their own bodies. It is so important. While I am rarely there in person, I am looking forward to working with everyone on this blog. Hopefully I can share some of my observations and knowledge and hear from everyone else. Face it, I have lots of kids, I must know something about sex...other than how not to use birth control. Kari
 Some things overheard at g this weekend... "What exactly is Sweetest Day?" "Thanks for the email, I don't know what it is either but I better be ready." " Sweetest Day...I'm sweet everyday." Well, I'll tell you, we didn't know either so we went to Wikipedia. Seems Sweetest Day is a truly capitalist holiday. Invented 84 years ago by candy manufacturers in Cleveland, Sweetest Day is purely a marketing scheme to sell more candy. They had celebs giving out free candy to needy children (just what they need), elderly people and such. Seems it is also a holiday that is celebrated mostly in the Midwest. Ohio has the biggest Sweetest Day sales, followed by Michigan and Illinois. Well, that clears that up. Thank you Wikipedia. Now that we know, we will continue to remind you because that's what we are here for but we will stand fast to our decision not to advertise or publicize this ridiculous day. What about Get A New Vibrator Day or Feelin' Sexy Day or Lube Day. Now, that's more our style.
 I opened up the Time Out Chicago sex issue to see what they had to say, and there we were. Page 31, Express Lane Lingerie, a beautiful bustier by Blush Lingerie. We love Blush. This French Canadian company is fairly new and has achieved their goal of creating beautiful and affordable lingerie. Sexy, flirty, frilly...What makes you Blush?
 Q. I've been thinking about buying a vibrator, but I'm worried I could be come addicted to the feeling or desensitized downstairs. What if I like it too much?
Unfortunately, the idea of vibrator addiction is just one in a long line of myths perpetuated by the fear and negative social conditioning hanging over the reputation of sex toys. Before I bust up this myth, I first have to set straight a social stigma. Some people have been trained by society (without mentioning the obvious religious implications) to believe that alone time with yourself or a toy is damning, destructive, looser-ish behavior. Couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, masturbation and using a vibrator allows you to learn about your own body's physiological response to sex and prepare yourself for enjoyment during intercourse. When it comes to orgasms, wouldn't you like to be at the head of the class?
Also, the term "addiction" implies a negative, harmful, and excessive physical dependence on something. There is no evidence, let me repeat NO EVIDENCE anywhere to even suggest that vibrator addiction might possibly, slightly exist. So unless you're locked in a closet, you're refusing to eat, you've quit your job, and you're selling off your shoe collection to support your habit I think you don't need to worry about buzzing off to Vibrator Addicts Anonymous.
As for your sensitivity, anything from rough sex, thorough masturbation,or a long hard licking could change your clitoral sensitivity immediately after a session. But just like after great sex, your body quickly rebounds from a vibrator's humming, and you'll be looking for your next interlude in no time. So don't worry about it girl, and get your vibe on!
For 7 years g boutique has served the Chicago community as a non-threatening, sex positive boutique, especially designed for women. We believe in a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her sexuality and sensuality. We believe that sex begins with the conversation and that knowledge is power. In the last 7 years we have helped women from 18 to 88. We have worked with gynecologists, physical therapists, psychologists and sex therapists to make sure that we are offering the most helpful choices to our customers. We have helped people on the threshold of a sexually active life, women during pregnancy and post partum, women going through medical treatment and recovery from cancer, women going through menopause and aging. We consult, we teach, we listen, we work with each and every client to insure that they are able to make good choices for their own lives.
Now, finally, at our customers requests…the g boutique blog is here. This blog is ours and it is yours. Please feel free to comment, email and ask questions. You will read about our lingerie, our toys, books and videos. We will post the latest sex news and Chicago’s sexiest places. We will answer questions and post secret fantasies. The blog will grow as we go. We hope you enjoy your time here. Cheryl, Debra & Kari g boutique